This activity helps children see the difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Working with the shapes will also help children recognize and understand the shapes used.

set up ideas:
This activity involves stamping solids into tempera paint, so things could get messy! Be sure to have cleaning supplies on hand in case of messes.

let's get started

Get stamping quick with just a few materials! You'll need tempera paint, a bowl or a tray to hold the paint, paper and three-dimensional geometric solids. Wooden shapes work best for cleanup, while foam shapes will soak in the paint.

step 1
Carefully place the face of a three-dimensional geometric shape into the tempera paint.
step 2
Stamp the geometric shape onto a sheet of paper.
step 3
Repeat the process using different faces of a variety of three-dimensional shapes.
step 4
Discuss the differences between the solid three-dimensional shapes and the two-dimensional shapes they have created on the paper.

Discuss the differences between two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Be sure to use the shape names frequently to help the children remember what they are each called.
Tips and Tricks Tips and Tricks
Have children name the shapes, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional, as they work with them. This will help reinforce shape recognition.
Follow Up ActivityFollow up Activity
Use a marker or crayon to label each of the two-dimensional shapes stamped onto paper, along with the name of the three-dimensional shape used. For example, square and cube or triangle and pyramid.