an activity for school-age:
A charming keepsake with functionality!

before you begin:
The main ingredient in this Mother's Day keepsake is air-dry clay. You'll also need clay tools, paper, scissors, a pencil and a small bowl.

activity goals:
Create a one of a kind functional keepsake for mom

Paint "MOM," use mom's favorite color or create a totally colorful handprint.

let's get started

step 1
Trace a hand using a pencil and paper.
step 2
Use scissors to cut out the handprint.
step 3
Place the paper handprint on top of a piece of air-dry clay rolled smooth and about 1/4" thick.
step 4
Using a clay tool and the paper handprint as a guide, cut a handprint out of the clay.
step 5
As the clay hand begins to dry, lay it inside of a small bowl or on the outside of an overturned bowl so that the hand dries in a cupped shape.
step 6
Once dry, the hand will be cupped to hold jewelry, paperclips or other small items.
step 7
Paint the hand with washable paint and allow the paint to dry.