an activity for preschoolers:
Caterpillars are an amazing insect for celebrating Earth Day!

before you begin:
This simple activity requires just a few mess-free materials: green foam sheets, self-adhesive pom-poms and self-adhesive wiggly eyes.

activity goals:
To create a cute caterpillar while celebrating Earth Day and building fine motor skills.

This is a great activity to accompany lessons on metamorphosis. Allow students to express their individuality by using different colors of pom-poms.

let's get started

step 1
Cut leaf shapes from green foam sheets.
step 2
Draw leaf details onto the cut foam with a marker.
step 3
Create a caterpillar by placing self-adhesive pom-poms in a line on the leaf. Children should be encouraged to create caterpillars of different lengths, colors and shapes.
step 4
Add wiggly eyes to bring your caterpillar to life!