an activity for preschoolers:
Use the power of magnets to create unique artworks!

before you begin:
Gather the following materials: a magnetic marble, a magnetic wand, a thin tray, art paper and paint.

You will need a tray that is thin enough so that the magnet on one side of the tray will attract the marble on the other side. Place the tray on top of a couple of blocks so that there is space to work below the tray. You may want to tape the tray and blocks in place.

activity goals:
To discover the pushing and pulling powers of magnets while creating artwork.

Experiment with different colors of paint to create exciting and wild color combinations!

let's get started

step 1
Place a piece of art paper on the tray.
step 2
Have a child apply a few drops of paint and then place a marble onto the paper with the paint.
step 3
Have the child manipulate the marble around the paper by using the magnetic wand underneath the tray. Doing so will create unique designs on the paper.
step 4
Remove the magnetic marble and allow the artwork to dry.